Key Traits
- Patience
- Systems Thinking as opposed to reductionism
- expect and embrace surprise and uncertainty, to be reflexive and acknowledge the limits of what is knowable or controllable
- epistemic humility
- changing your mind is one of the best ways of finding out whether or not you still have one
- the map is not the territory - misplaced concreteness -
- what is the model ignoring
- Suspend disbelief. Give each idea enough of a shot to test it rigorously for yourself.
- Withhold definition. Notice the tendency to label things as one way or the other and explore life in the space just before that moment.
Adopt a Growth Mindset
Embrace Multiple Perspectives
Tell the Truth
Take Responsibility (Internal Locus)
Taking care of oneself
- To be of service you have to be fit for service
- engaging in the world for its own sake (not as a mean to an end)
One of the most simple ways to change one’s life is to ask: of all activities I currently engage as means, how can I find elements in them to engage as ends? Tyler Alterman
Mindset Strategies to Improve
Develop Mental Override - Willpower everyday