title: Podcast - Rob Burbea on Emerge
A Spiritual Paradigm for The Infinite Game (Ep #1)
Rob tells the story of him coming up with Soulmaking Dharma
Spiritual Industrial Complex - Daniel Thorson (Start at 41:00)
- Traditional Dharma is not creating the people set up to radically change the World
- Not able to do the social-political work that the world needs
- Reduces the journey to healing one’s own traumas
- pitfalls of modern spirituality and attitudes
Meditation Fantasies & The Soulmaking Dharma (Ep #3)
Meditation Fantasies and Questioning Reality
What is the point of practice?
- Up to each person to decide
- Many people don’t fully articulate it to themselves
Fantasies in Meditation
Medical Model (most common)
- Meditating to heal
- 4 Noble Truths → Reducing suffering
- Rest on many assumptions
- Primacy of brain functioning (materialist view of the world)
- What reality is, what the world is
Sense of Sacredness or Beauty (Artistic)
- Seeing the practice as Art and doing it for its own sake
Research Approach
- Practicing to discover things about oneself or consciousness
They can all co-exist at the same time in different proportion
None of them is wrong
- They can become constricting if taken too seriously
- They are fantasies after all
The power of concepts, teachings and frameworks
- If no one ever introduced you to the possibility of sacredness, you may never experience it as it may not be in your framework
Medical model can become neutering or stagnant after some time
- Once suffering has been reduced the being wants other things
- Erotic is often left out
- Some people feel neutered by spiritual practice
Questioning Reality
- Reality seen as unquestionable (almost as a prison)
- We have to learn to be ok with “what is”
- Meditation can be a training to help us question the nature of reality
- Open the range of what we can perceive
- Different “ways of looking”