Moving from farming as a factory to farming as an ecosystem
What is regenerative agriculture?
- Regenerative Agriculture helps to build soils
- Regenerative Agriculture is a continuum → From very degenerative (destructive) to more regenerative
- Regen ag can help us begin a Self-Reliance Revolution
![Regenerative Agriculture](assets/Regenerative Agriculture.png)
Characteristics of regen ag
- High Diversity, Resilience, Local
- Little waste and pollution, no tillage
- soil health is essential
Regenerative Agriculture Practices
- Agroforestry
- Polyculture
- No-till
- Tilling turns the soil around before planting new crops (thought to increase productivity)
- Massively disturbs soil health
- No-till draws carbon from the atmosphere, while tilling does the opposite
- Multicropping
- Rewilding
- Cover-cropping
From Paper - Food in the Anthropocene the EAT–Lancet Commission
incorporating farm organic wastes into soil, low or no tillage, nitrogen-fixing cover plants, replacement of annuals with perennial crops and pastures, agroforestry, establishing buffer strips, and keeping some farmland with natural vegetation.
Paper - The investment Case for Regenerative Agriculture:
Paper: Regenerative agriculture: merging farming and natural resource conservation profitably:
If we want regenerative farms to be really sustainable (in the literal sense of the word), they need to be profitable
Risks of Investing in Extractive Agriculture
- High and volatile input costs
- Most farmers are profitable thanks to subsidies
- Last 5 years, input prices increased by 20%, output prices by 5%
- Intensive animal producers are the most affected from high feed costs
- Negative externalities
- Value of property decreasing
- Soils quality and future cashflows decrease
- Vulnerable to climate change
- Health and consumer preferences
- Biodiversity Loss
Returns of Regenerative Agriculture
- Comparable or higher yields
- Many examples of agroforestry outcompeting monocrop
- Lower operating cost (possibility)
- No need for expensive fertilizers or seeds
- Farming is a margin’s business
- Yield not always a good indicator of profitability
- Increasing value of capital
- Healthy soils are more resilient
- Less susceptible to pest infestations etc…
- Positive externalities
- Nascent market and possibilities to get paid
- Nori, Soil heroes, Regen Network
- Nascent market and possibilities to get paid
- Higher price (50-200%)
Impact of Regenerative Agriculture
Impact investors are looking for the highest possible positive net impact
- Healthy soils and forests (agroforestry) sequester carbon
- Water Storage
- Healthy soils encourage biodiversity
- Healthy soils, healthy microbiomes, healthy people