“All life on Earth is dependent on six inches of top soil” > From Video Why Regenerative Organic? | Part 1: Big Agriculture Is Broken Part 2: Soil Is the Solution
Carbon is not the enemy
- It is the building block of life
- We’re moving carbon from the soil into the atmosphere
- Plants photosynthesis absorb carbon and transform it into carbohydrates
- Then pump those carbs to the soil as nutrition for the soil
Soil Ecosystem Services
- Healthy soils sequester carbon and use it to foster its microorganisms
- Soil can sequester more carbon than plants and atmosphere combined
- Rich soils produce more nutrient rich food
- Damaged soils release carbon dioxide and water
- Turns soil into dust (desertification)
- No-till soil absorbs more water and carbon (improves water cycle)
Modern Agriculture is not Designed for Soil (or Human) Health
- Tilling reduces soil’s biodiversity and makes soil release carbon
- The more tilling, the worse the soils, the more farmers use pesticides and fertilizers
- Pesticides kill microorganisms in the soils, in the food and in our microbiome
- Linked to Gut health and mental health
Practices for Healthy Soils
- Composting
- Chemicals and fertilizers suck all life out of the soil
- No tillage
- Perennials
- Cover crops
- Plant diversity
- Special types of grazing and other animals’ involvement
- Separating animal from plant farming was a terrible decision
- Plants and animals are in symbiotic relationship (circular)
Created on: 2021-04-15 Link: https://kissthegroundmovie.com/ Related: biosphere stewardship | Food Systems | Course - Investing in Regenerative Agriculture | 020 Health MOC | 010 Mind MOC